Sunday, December 30, 2012

Round Robin: In My Room

Hi, Robins! I'm still on the road between Wilmington NC and Tucson, AZ, and posting from my phone or iPad is tricky at best. So let's just get on with announcing the next Challenge. The topic for Saturday, January 12th is

In My Room

Maybe it's literally your room, decorated just the way you like it, or possibly a bit messier than it should be. Maybe it's your classroom, your office, your favorite room at the local library, or your favorite room in the house. Maybe it's just your hotel room on that trip you took recently. Whatever it is, we want to see it!

The usual guidelines apply (repeated from memory this time):

1. Please RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of wherever you plan to post your entry.

2. Get out your camera and photograph anything you can reasonably call "my room," or dig up an existing photo you haven't already shared with us.

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, January 12th, post your entry. Be sure to include a link back here.

4. I will post a Linking List to the participating entries starting around midnight on the 12th. I strongly encourage you to visit everyone's entries, and comment if so moved.

My apologies for not being around much for this last Challenge. I had not realized that I would be without proper Internet access on the Challenge date. I'll be visiting everyone's entries when I get home, and will be at my computer and ready to go when the next Challenge date comes around. Until then, go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, January 12th, 2012, 1:21 AM

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Monday, December 17, 2012

Round Robin Photo Challenge: Goodbye 2012!

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is the last one in 2012. The topic for Saturday, December 29, 2012 is

Goodbye 2012

It's been a significant year in the United States and in many other parts of the world, in good ways and bad. I want to see what 2012 has meant for you - photographically, of course! Show us important moments in your life from this past year, whether from the witnessing of major world events or that time you managed to take that really outstanding picture of a flower, or anything in between. It just needs to be from 2012, and something you photographed that matters to you personally. And if the reason isn't obvious, please tell us why that photograph is meaningful for you. 

Here's my usual reminder how all this works:

1. Grab your camera and photograph something related to your life in 2012 - or dig through your 2012 photos for something that represents this year for you.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, December 29th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Participant List 12/29/2012 1:15 PM (C)

Outpost Mâvarin

Danielle Posted!
My Blog Thingy

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Sweet Memories

My R and R Space

Carly - Posted!

Martha - Posted!
Seaside Simplicity

Monday, December 03, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: On the Move

Hi, Robins!  The next Challenge isn't about what you photograph. It's about how you take the shot! The topic for Saturday, December 15th is

This is the opposite of setting up your tripod and composing your shot. Let's see photos taken on the fly. Maybe your subject is walking, running, driving, or flying by, and you have to be quick yourself to capture them in your lens. Maybe the scene is static, but you're driving by (or being driven) at 20, 50, even 70 miles an hour. Perhaps you're on a bicycle, or just out for a jog. You could even be looking down from an airplane or a hot air balloon, on a boat, or even a sled! Wherever you are, don't just stand there! Keep moving, and get the shot!

Here's my usual reminder how all this works:

1. Grab your camera and photograph something while you're on the move.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, December 15th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


P.S. Try not to crash into anything. We don't want any accidents in pursuit of this Challenge! :)

Linking List
as of Sunday, 12/15/12

Outpost Mâvarin - Posted!

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Danielle - Posted!
My Blog Thingy

Carly - Posted!

LadyInRead - Posted!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Heads or Tails?

Hi, Robins!

For our next Challenge, you have a choice topics. Our Round Robin Photo Challenge for Saturday, December 1st is

Any heads or any tails will do! Show us doll heads or the tails on a tux, lettuce or the thing that stabilizes a kite, people in charge of a school or company or the obverse sides of coins, heads of nails or puppy dog tails. Any interpretation of either word works! Show us any heads or any tails you like - but let's not have heads AND tails in the same shot, please. I'd like to see a focus on one or more heads OR tails in any given image, but not both.

Here's my usual reminder how all this works:

You know how this works, right?

1. Grab your camera and photograph some heads, or tails, or both.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, December 1st, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, December 1, 2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Danielle - Welcome! - Posted!
My Blog Thingy

Carly - Posted!

Lady In Read - Posted!

Monday, November 05, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: The White Stuff

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is a definite contrast to the one we just had, in which we were operating in the dark. Let's bring lots of light into this one. The topic for Saturday, November 17th is

Snow. Fluffy clouds. Bankers' boxes. Cotton balls. Powdered sugar. Our world is full of white things. But how white are they, really, and do they read as white in a photograph? If white is all we see, the image disappears, like a cow eating grass in the old joke, like a polar bear in a blizzard. The challenge, then, is to photograph something that is as close to white as nature allows, and still have it be visually interesting.

You know how this works, right?

1. Grab your camera and photograph something white.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, November 17th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words

Carly - Posted!

LadyInRead **Welcome, new participant!** - Posted!

Janet - Posted!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: In the Dark

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is a simple in concept, but pehaps a bit of a challenge technically. The topic for Saturday, November 3rd is

 In the Dark 

The moon by night. White surf on dark waters. Shadows in the hallway. People around a campfire. People, places and things can be quite dramatic in appearance as darkness closes in, but photographing them in low light conditions can be tricky, especially with a cheap or mediocre camera! But that's what I'm asking you to do. Photograph someone, someplace or something in low-light conditions, either indoors or outdoors. The actual subject matter is totally up to you, as long as whoever, wherever or whatever it is isn't well lit.

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and take one or more photographs in low-light conditions. Let's try to do these with no flash photography!

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, November 3rd, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jeanette - Posted!
Net On The Net

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words!

Carly - Posted!

Janet **Welcome back!** - Posted! (11/6)

Monday, October 08, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Leaves

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is a simple and straightforward one, inspired by the season (in parts of the northern hemisphere, anyway). The topic for Saturday, October 20th is


Fall leaves. Leaves of a potted plant. Leaves of grass. Even leaves of a book, if you must. Green leaves, yellow ones, red ones, brown ones, or any other color you find. Big leaves or small, jagged or smooth. Just show us leaves! And if there happens to be a bird, beast or butterfly hiding among them, that's a bonus!

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph any kind of leaves.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, October 20th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, October 20th, 10 PM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words

Jama Hameed - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Danielle *** Welcome, new participant!***
Din_Dannie on Flickr - Posted!
My Blog Thingy

Carly - Posted!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Tell Me a Story

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is a bit different, and I'm very interested to see what you do with it. The topic for Saturday, October 6th is

Tell Me a Story

Grab your camera and photograph, well, anything, as long as there's a story attached to it. Then tell us that story. Perhaps you want to photograph a friend, and tell us how you first met. Or maybe it's a picture of your kid in a swimming pool, and you'll tell us a story of the first day your little one learned to dog paddle. Maybe it's a wedding ring, and you'll tell the story of the proposal. Or your old teddy bear, a beloved but chipped piece of old china, your favorite beauty spot, get the idea! Don't worry: it doesn't have to be a long story. Just a paragraph or two is fine, just enough to tell us what's significant or interesting about the person, place or thing you photographed.

Here, as usual, are the guidelines for playing along:

1. Photograph something that you'd like to tell us about.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, October 6th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day. 

Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, October 6th, 1:21 AM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Big Hairy Deal!

Hi, Robins! Thanks for participating in this weekend's Challenge! Are you ready for the new one? The topic for Saturday, September 22nd is

Big Hairy Deal!

Focus on something hairy - your own head or someone else's, a manly chest, a furry pet, a doll or anything else that is or looks hairy. Let's concentrate on the hair itself, not so much what it's growing out of or attached to.

The guidelines for playing along are as follows:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything that features a fair amount of hair.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, September 22nd, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Midnight, Saturday, 9/22/2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Jeanette - Posted!
Net On The Net

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Carly - Posted!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: The Right Angle

Oops! I forgot to post the next Challenge! Let's get right to it. The topic for Saturday, September 8th is

The Right Angle

Show us anything that has one or more right angles in its design: squares, rectangles, right isosceles triangles, etc. It can be as simple as a box or a dresser or a table, or something more rectangleriffic! Finding right angles is easy; we humans tend to surround ourselves with them. The tricky part is in the photographing. Perspective tends to warp our clean right angles, giving our eyes and are cameras clues about our three dimensional world. So try to minimize the effect, and keep our angles as perfect as possible. OR let perspective really mess with those angles, and show us the result!

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything that involves right angles (squared off corners, as in a square or rectangle). Either minimize or maximize the effect of perspective in your photos.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, September 8th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day. 

Thanks for your participation in the most recent Challenge. I hope to see more of your work soon. Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, 9/8/2012 at 6:15 AM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jeanette - Posted!
Net On The Net

Sue. - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words!

Sinder Ella
"A Modern Day Cinderella"

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Carly - Posted!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Inside Out, Outside In

Hi, Robins! I asked my husband John for help with this next Challenge. I wanted something indoorsy to balance out all the outdoor pictures I've been posting lately. His response reminded me of an old song by Yes:

The sun can warm the coldest dawn
And move the movement on the lawn.
I learn in ev'ry single day,
Inside out, outside in, ev'ry way.
--Yes, Perpetual Change (Anderson/Squire)

The topic for Saturday, August 25th is

Inside Out, Outside In

John's suggestion is to take pictures of something seen outside that you normally expect to see inside, or something inside that you'd expect to see outside instead. So, furniture in the driveway would count, or a wild critter in the bedroom. And so on. Alternatively, you can take something that's literally inside out and just photograph that.

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything that is out of place as far as whether it's inside or out; or photograph something that is literally inside out.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, August 25th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

Thanks for your participation in yesterday's Challenge. I'll be by to admire your work in the next few minutes. 

Have fun, and go be photographers! 


Linking List
as of 8/25/2012, 3:05 PM

Karen - Posted 2 entries!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jeanette - Posted!
Net On The Net

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words

Sinder Ella **Welcome, new participant!** - Posted!
"A Modern Day Cinderella"

Rita - Posted!
Cashjocky and the "Old Salt"

Carly - Posted!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hi, Robins!  August is almost upon us, which makes this the perfect time for the next Challenge. The topic for Saturday, August 11th is

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Show us something or someone that's hot, preferably with a photo that somehow implies the heat. Maybe it's a tray of cookies, just coming out of the oven. Maybe it's a shot of the unrelenting sun, or glowing charcoal, or people sweating in lawn chairs beside a pool, or drought-parched corn. Heck, even a photo of a thermometer will work. Whatever it is, we should be able to look at it and say, "Wow, that's hot!"

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything that is visibly hot.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, August 11th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

Thanks for your participation in yesterday's Challenge. I'll be by to admire your work in the next few minutes. 

Have fun, and go be photographers! 


Linking List
as of Saturday, August 11th
(almost) Midnight MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Carly  - Posted!

Rita - Posted!
Cashjocky's Photos

Monday, July 16, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: That's Odd!

Hi, Robins! Thanks for your participation in yesterday's Challenge! I'll be making my rounds properly in the next day or so to admire your work. Meanwhile I have a bit of an oddball Challenge for you for next time. The topic for Saturday, July 28th is

"That's Odd!"

Show us something odd: someone or something that's a little strange or unusual, maybe very strange and unusual. If you can't find anything weird, eccentric or offbeat, you can also go for the other meaning of odd, and show us 3 of something, or 5, 7, 9. 11....

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything you consider odd in any way.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, July 28th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, July 28th
1:34 AM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Carly - Posted!

Monday, July 02, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: On the Wall

Hi, Robins! Unless you're out in the woods or someplace like that, you're probably in sight of at least one example of our next Round Robin Photo Challenge photographic subject. The topic for Saturday, July 14th is

On the Wall

What's on your wall? Is it a mirror, mirror? Interesting wallpaper? Original art, perhaps, or a vintage clock? A giant salad fork? A cat or a lizard, soaking up the sun? Whatever it is, let's see it! If there's nothing on your walls at home that you care to show off, feel free to show what's on a wall somewhere else.

To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph anything you like on any wall.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, July 14th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of July 14, 2012, 7:30 AM MST

Karen - Two entries posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words

Rita aka Cashjocky ***Welcome back!*** - Posted!
Cashjacky and the "Old Salt"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Keys

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge is based on a word that has several common meanings. I hope it will strike the right note with you, unlock your creativity, and not leave you stranded on the beach! The topic for Saturday, June 30th is


To play along, simply follow these guidelines:

1. Grab your camera and photograph any kind of keys: piano keys, typewriter keys (rare, these days), hotel key cards, Florida Keys, or whatever other keys come to hand. 

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, June 30th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, June 30, 2012
1:30 AM

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Carly - Posted!

Sue - Posted!
A picture is worth 1000 words

Monday, June 04, 2012

RRPC2: Clouds

Hi, Robins! I have a suspicion that we may have done this next topic before, but if so it must have been at least five years ago. All I found was a Monday Photo Shoot and some related subjects. So let's go with it! The Round Robin Challenge for Saturday, June 16th is


Simple, right? Show us thin, wispy clouds, dark, heavy ones or anything in between. Virtual and metaphorical clouds are also fair game.

Here's a reminder of the current posting guidelines:

1. RSVP in the comments below, with your name, blog name if applicable, and a link to wherever you plan to post your picture(s). This can be in a blog, on Facebook, on Twitpic or YFrog or on any other photo or social media site.

2. Post your entry or entries on Saturday, June 16. It's a good idea to come back here and leave the specific link(s) in the comments. The entry should be tagged #clouds and/or #RRPC2 to help us find it.

Thanks, everyone! See you on Saturday, June 16th!


Linking List
as of Saturday, June 16th, 1:57 AM

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!

Sue **Welcome, new participant!**
A Picture is Worth 1000 words

Day One

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Tina - Posted!
Tina's PicStory

(We had one other comment, but the link didn't go to a blog, photo site or other social media.)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

RRPC2: Variety Show

Hi. Robins! Sorry I'm late with this announcement. Wonderful as they are, iPhones aren't very practical for conventional blogging, especially while sitting in a restaurant at Disneyland. And since getting home last night I've been both swamped and exhausted. I'll catch up with everyone's posts tomorrow night.

Meanwhile, let's announce the next Challenge! The topic for Saturday, June 2nd is

Variety Show

Show us something that comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and/or colors. It could be anything from dogs to socks, vegetables to paper clips, pens to people! Be sure to show us more than one of whatever it is so we can see some of the variation.

You know how this works, right?

1. RSVP in the comments below, with your name, blog name if applicable, and a link to wherever you plan to post your picture(s). This can be in a blog, on Facebook, on Twitpic or YFrog or on any other photo or social media site.

2. Post your entry or entries on Saturday, June 2. It's a good idea to come back here and leave the specific link(s) in the comments. The entry should be tagged #varietyshow and/or #RRPC2 to help us find it.

Thanks, everyone! A special thanks to Carly for posting the Linking List.


Linking List
as of Saturday, June 2nd, 12:41 PM

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Carly - Posted!

In My Dreams I Can Fly

Please note that my stepmother died Friday morning, and I'm rather distracted, to say the least, getting ready to fly east and pondering life and death, illness and family. Nevertheless, I hope to be an active participant this time, and do a better job of meeting my blogging obligations. Thanks for your patience! - KFB

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Quick Note

Folks, I just got back from Disneyland and I'm kind of exhausted. I will post the new Challenge tomorrow night, and make the rounds of this past weekend's participants. Thanks for your patience!


Monday, May 07, 2012

RRPC2: Fun Fun Fun!

Hi, Robins! Our next Challenge is a simple one, but with lots of opportunity to use your imagination. The topic for Saturday, May 19th is

Fun Fun Fun!

How do you have fun? How do your kids have fun? Are there fun places you like to go, and fun things you especially enjoy doing? Show them to us! Your picture of fun can be of something as exciting as a roller coaster ride, or as low key as curling up with a good book. Show us your idea of fun, whatever it may be!

Like last time, you're welcome to play along in any of several ways:

1. Post your picture or pictures on your blog, with a link back here. Be sure to sell us about it in the comment thread below.

2. Post your picture or pictures on Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, YFrog, TwitPic or any other social media site. Be sure you tag it #RRPC2 so we can find it. Leaving a comment with the link would also help!

3. Post your picture or pictures to Flickr, Photobucket or any other online gallergy. Tag it RRPC2, and leave a comment below with the link so that we're sure to find it.

Remember, the Challenge date is Saturday, May 19th, any time from midnight on in your time zone. I personally will be out of town on that day (our 33rd wedding anniversary) but I'll check in when I can. I've taken moderation off the comments, so be sure to check the comment thread for entries to visit!

I will retweet anything I find on Twitter, reblog any entries on Tumbler, etc. And of course I'll post a linking list on this entry on the Challenge date.

Special thanks to all who posted their "Flowers for Steven." Your pictures and reminiscences made for a wonderful tribute! Now let's go have some fun with our cameras. Steve would want us to do that!


It turns out that it is really hard to copy, paste and format the linking list with an iPhone, so please check the comments to visit your fellow Robins. Thanks!

Linking List (as of 10:51 PM PDT) (C)

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mavarin

Day One

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Teri - Posted!
Teri H Hoover Photography

Carly - Posted!

Tina - Posted!
Tina's Picstory

Kim, USA - Posted!
Lifes Journey in Focus

Kat - Posted!
In My Dreams I Can Fly

Monday, April 23, 2012

RRPC2.0: Flowers for Steven

Hi, Robins, all past and future participants!

We have two announcements to make tonight: one about the new topic and the reason for it, and one about a major change to the ways people can participate in this meme moving forward. Stay tuned for the latter, because I think it's really going to shake things up, and make it more fun for everyone. First though, let's announce the topic for Saturday, May 5th:

Quince Blossom by Carly (OndineMonet)
Flowers for Steven

Anyone who played along on the Round Robin Photo Challenges in its early years, anyone who loves blogging pictures of cats and anyone who appreciates really great floral photography will probably remember Steven, aka sepintx of (sometimes)photoblog. Steven used to co-host the RRPC with Carly and me, but took a break from blogging after the death of his beloved cat, Pickle. Carly and I lost track of him after this, so we never learned until very recently that he died on October 10, 2009. Steve's contribution to this meme and others, and photoblogging in general, is immense, and his friendship was much valued as well. So it's fitting that we should offer this belated tribute to him, gathering photographic flowers in his name. Flowers were one of Steven's favorite subjects, so let's honor his memory with flower shots of our own!

Now for the second announcement: how to participate:

Starting with this Challenge, there will be a variety of ways you can play along in the RRPC:

Option One: The Traditional Method. Post one or more flower pictures in your blog on May 5th, link back to this blog, and leave a comment to this entry with your name and URL to let us know to come see your work. It will be helpful if you tag your entry "RRPC2" and "FlowersForSteven".

Option Two: The Twitter Method. Post one or more flower pictures to YFROG, TwitPic or some other microblogging photo service on May 5th, and Tweet a link with the hashtags "#RRPC2" and "#FlowersForSteven". People can follow the result with a hashtag search in Twitter, and I will retweet every entry I find.

Option Three: The Pure Photoblog Method. Post your flower photo(s) directly to your Photobucket, Flickr, Picasa, Tumblr or even Facebook (etc.) on May 5th with the tags "RRPC2" and "FlowersForSteven". Just to be extra sure people find you, please either tweet the result or leave a comment below.

Many thanks to Carly this week for the info on Steven and the great idea for transitioning RRPC to the age of microblogging. Feel free to email me with any questions, and we'll have a fun "treasure hunt" looking for your entries on Saturday, May 5th! Go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Saturday, May 5th
@ 10:57 PM MST
(Please note: my cable connection is down at home so I have no internet access there until Sunday evening. Sorry for the delays in posting comments and links! --Karen)

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!

Jama -  Posted!
Sweet Memories

Notes from the tiny napping house

Julie - Posted!
Julie's Journal

Shelly - Posted!
Creative Endeavors

Kat - Posted!
In My Dreams I Can Fly

Duane - Posted!

Teri - **Welcome new participant!** - Posted May 9th
Teri H Hoover Photography

P.S. For Steven's online obituary and places to leave your own (non-floral) tributes, check out the following pages:

Steven's obit on

Steven's obit on

Steven's last photo on Flickr, with comments

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Back to the Egg

Yes, I'm late in posting this. Frankly, I started a post just now announcing that the next Round Robin Photo Challenge would be the last one, at least as coordinated by me. But a survey of recent Challenges reveals that most of them had at least three participants, and some had four or more. And this weekend was Easter, after all. People were busy! So let's continue for now. Easter provides the inspiration for this next one. The Challenge for Saturday, April 21st is

Back to the Egg

Chocolate eggs. Cadbury Creme Eggs. Hand-blown decorated eggs used as ornaments. Ostrich eggs. Fish eggs. Cartons of chicken eggs. Fried, over easy, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs. Plastic eggs containing candy or panty hose. Show me your eggs!

You know how this works, right?

1. Please RSVP below with your name, blog name and blog URL. Let me know if you and/or your blog are new to the RRPC.

2. Please post your entry on Saturday, April 21st. I'll post a list of participants on that date.

3. Please visit other enties, and comment if so moved.

That's it! Please, go be photographers!


Linking List
as of 7:55 AM MST
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Outpost Mâvarin --Posted!

Carly **Welcome back!** --Posted!

Kara - Posted!
Notes from the tiny napping house

And watch for a revolutionary announcement Sunday night about the NEW Round Robin Challenges!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Take a Walk!

Hi, folks! Spring is here, in roughly half of the world, a time when people start to venture outside again - especially if the weather is as nice as it's been in some parts of the U.S. recently. Our next RRPC topic is meant to take advantage of this state of affairs. The Challenge for Saturday, April 7th is

Take a Walk!

Take your camera with you on a walk near your home. What will you find to photograph, outdoors in your own neighborhood? I want to see it, on Saturday, April 7th!

Please RSVP with your name, blog name and URL in the comments below. I'll post a list of participants on the day of the Challenge. See you then! In the meanwhile, go be photographers!


Linking List
as of 12:05 AM Saturday, April 7th

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Monday, March 12, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Hats and Headwear

Ack! I forgot to post the new Challenge last night! Sorry! I'm distracted and in a rush, because I was hired on Saturday for a new part time job that starts this afternoon. So let's get on with it, shall we? The topic for Saturday, March 24th is

Hats and Headwear

Hats aren't as popular as they once were, but people still wear the occasional sun hat, cowboy hat, baseball cap or fedora. Or you may wear a hijab or headscarf, or a hood. Then there are specialty hats and costumes: a bishop's mitre, a deerstalker or other hunting cap, a sailor's cap, a tom o' shanter, etc. On Saturday, March 24th, show us an interesting hat or headwear!

You know the bit: please post your RSVP with name, blog name and blog URL below if you plan to participate. See you in a little less than two weeks!


Linking List
as of Saturday, March 24th at 11:54 AM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Kara - Posted!
Notes from the tiny napping house

And it's not too late to post your own hat shots!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Play!

Hi. Robins! Our next Challenge topic is a word with several meanings, so you get to decide which one you'd like to cover. The theme for Saturday, March 10th (my birthday!) is


Show us someone playing - an instrument, a game, a role in a play, a DVD, or whatever! It's as simple as that!

Here are the guidelines, as usual:

1. RSVP in the comments below with your name, blog name, and blog URL. Please let me know if you're new to the Robins, or if you're not new to us but the blog you're using has changed. (I have moderation turned on at the moment because of a very persistent spammer, but don't let that stop you!)

2. POST your entry on Saturday, March 10th or within a day or two afterward. The entry MUST link back to this blog, and links to other Robins' entries are encouraged. I will post the list of links around midnight mountain time as the Challenge date begins. starting with this Challenge, I will delete from the Linking List any blog that does not have a qualifying entry within a week of the Challenge date.

3. VISIT other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved.

That's it! Go be photographers, and we'll all meet back here on my 55th birthday!


Linking List
as of Saturday, March 10th, 7:44 AM

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Mary Tomaselli - Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photography

Food for Thought

Kara - Posted!
Notes from the tiny napping house

Monday, February 13, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Handy

Hi, Robins!

The next Challenge involves a subject we always have right at our fingertips. The topic for Saturday, February 25th is


Aged hands, wrinkled and spotted. Babies' hands, with impossibly tiny fingers clenched in tiny fists. An artist's hands. A musician's hands. Hands covered in grime from an engine or dirt from a field. Your hands. Your spouse's hands. Hands in prayer. Two people hand in hand. Molded hands on a doll, a winning hand at Bridge or Poker or, if you insist, the hands of a clock. Show us your hand!

Please follow the following guidelines to participate:

1. Please RSVP in the comments below, with your name, blog name and URL. One spammer posted to the previous entry at least 10 times in the past two weeks, so I've got comment moderation turned on. If you're not a spammer, don't let that stop you!

2. If you are new to the RRPC, or a repeat participant posting to a new blog, please let us know.

3. Please post your entry on Saturday, February 25th, anytime from midnight on, or within a day or two afterward. Your entry should mention the Round Robin Photo Challenges and link back to this blog.

4. I will post a list of participants to this entry as the posting date begins, and update it as needed. Reposting that list is encouraged but not required. Please do check out the other entries, though, and leave comments if so moved. Everyone likes to have their efforts acknowledged!

That's it for now. Go be photographers!


Linking List
as of 8:16 PM MST
Monday, February 27th, 2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Mary Tomaselli - Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photography

Kara - Posted!
Notes From the Tiny Napping House

PhenoMenon **Welcome, New Participant!**
Throo Da Looking Glass

Monday, January 30, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Crafty

Hi, Robins! It was great to see such a nice turnout for yesterday's Challenge. Thanks! I had a great idea for the next one, but I don't remember what it was. Instead let's go with this one. The topic for Saturday, February 11th is


To be honest, I'm absolutely hopeless at crafts, but I'm certain that many of you are very good at them! Whether you knit, embroider, quilt, weave baskets, carve wood, decoupage, bead, and do any other kind of craft work, or even just know someone else who does, I'd like to see the result! Better still, let's see a bit of before-and-after, not just the finished product but also the raw materials or work in progress.

As usual, here's a reminder of the guidelines for participating:

1. Please RSVP in the comments below with your name, the blog name, and your blog URL. If you're new to the Round Robin Photo Challenges or if you've played before but using a different blog, please let me know so I can promote you properly.

2. Please post your picture(s) on your blog on the Challenge date, Saturday, February 11th, or within a day or two afterward. The blog entry should link back to this blog so people can find all of the Challenge entries. Please do not post early! I will post a list of participants on this entry starting around midnight on the 11th.

3. Please visit other participants' blogs, and leave a comment if so moved.

That's it! Go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Midnight MST
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Mary Tomaselli - Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photography

Monday, January 16, 2012

Round Robin Challenge: Branches

Hi, Robins! The next Challenge should be a fun one. The topic for Saturday, January 28th is


We had a Challenge years ago for photographing tree roots, but this time let's go higher on the tree! Or you can photograph a branch library, branches of your family tree, the branching of railroad tracks or anything else you can apply the word "branches" to, literally or figuratively. The usual guidelines apply:

1. Please RSVP below with your name, blog name and URL.

2. Please WAIT until Saturday, January 28th to post your entry. If you're a day late, that's okay; better a little late than way early! On the day is best, though, so people can find your post!

3. Please INCLUDE a link back here in your entry, so people can find the other Robins' entries. A list of participants will be posted here, which you're welcome to add to your own post.

4. Please VISIT the other entries, and leave a comment if you can.

Thanks for playing along in our most recent Challenge; I'll be making the rounds as soon as I've posted this. Go be photographers!


Linking List
as of Sunday, 1/29/12, 6:20 PM MST

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Freda - Posted!
Day One

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Kara **Welcome!**
notes from the tiny napping house

Mary Tomaselli - Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photos

Tina - Posted!
Tina´s PicStory

Twiggy **Welcome!** - Posted!
Shoot By Twiggy