Hi, Robins! It's time to announce the next Round Robin Photo Challenge, to be posted on Wednesday, May 24th. Cheryl, a.k.a. BoiseLadie, of the blogs Welcome to My World and Life Through My Lens, has given us a topic that's both simple and profound: "Reflections!"
What does that word bring to mind? A mirror image, of a face before and after makeup? Distortions of a funhouse mirror? Trees and flowers, sunrises and sunsets, reflected in a pond or a lake? How about the way we see reflections of ourselves in our children - physically, in behavior and attitudes, or all of the above? And then there's the other kind of reflections, in which we think about where we've been and where we're going, what we've gained and lost, and who and what is important to us.
So, Robins, it's time to reflect on what kind of reflections are most meaningful for you, and how best to reflect them through your camera's lens. Take your photos, and get ready to post them on Wednesday, May 24th, any time between midnight and midnight. If you need to do so, you can post up to a week late, but please do not post early. It all works best if we all post on the same day, give or take a few hours. This makes it much easier for everyone to go blog-jogging, and see what everyone has done!
If you're new to the game, welcome! Anyone can join in, and we hope you do. Please be sure to read the "Welcome and Rules of Play" entry for an explanation of how the Round Robin Photo Challenges work. If you'd like to play along on this topic, "Reflections," please leave a comment on this entry, giving your name, and the name and URL of each blog where you'll be posting your Reflections entry when the time comes. Please do this even if you've played before. Many people have more than one blog now, or have changed blogs or renamed them; so we can get pretty confused around here unless you're very specific. And please try to stop back and leave another comment once you've posted your entry, so we know it's time to come and admire it!
Got it? Good! If you have any questions, feel free to email us:
Carly: Ondinemonet@AOL.com
Karen: Mavarin@AOL.com
Now, as we like to say around here, go be photographers!
Karen & Carly
Round Robin Linking List:
Cheryl... "Welcome To My World" Posted!
Karen... "Outpost Mâvarin" Posted!
Carly... "Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly" Posted!
Valorie... "Retrospect USA" Posted!
Sachin... SacWorks **Welcome, New Member!**
DesLily... "Here There And Everywhere 2nd Edition" and "Here There And Everywhere" Posted!
Kimberleigh... "I Shaved My Legs For This?" Posted!
Erika... "Stealing Time" Posted!
Nancy... "Nancy Luvs Pics" Posted!
Julie... "Julie's Web Journal" Posted!
T.J. ... "Every Picture Tells A Story" Posted!
Suzanne... "Suzanne R's Life" Posted!
Derek... "Through My Eyes" Posted!
Tammy... "The Daily Warrior" Posted!
Connie... "Moments To Remember" and "Connie's Photo Pages" Posted!
Steven... "(sometimes) photoblog" Posted!
Deb... "SassysEYE" Posted!
Dorn... "Through the Eyes of the Beholder" Posted!
Steve... "PAPARRAZI BY PROXY" **Welcome, New Member!** Posted!
Betty... "My Day, My Interests" Posted!
Duane... "sotto voce" and sotto voce USA Posted!
Tess... "First Digital Photos" Posted!
rRose... "WAIT-NOTYET"" Posted!
Becky... "Where Life Takes You" Posted!
Amy... My life and pictures ***Welcome New Member!*** Posted!