Thanks to everyone who made our first challenge of 2006 such a big success! Everyone who said they'd participate followed through and did it, and we even had a few new people and last-minute stragglers. Welcome, all! We enjoyed seeing every one of your entries.
Oh, one procedural note. After all that's happened in the past several months, quite a few people have blogs on more than one service. Some are mirror sites, some are relatively inactive - we get quite dizzy trying to keep track of them all! In a couple of cases, you folks have posted entries on two different blogs. We think that's great! But it does make it a little hard for us to figure out how to list you. So please let us know whether you want to be listed as AOL, or Blogspot or both. If it's both, we can put "2nd site" at the end of your listing, linked to the other blog. Does that sound okay?
That's all for now, folks. Start watching for those funny animals, and don't forget to RSVP below.
Karen and Carly
NOTE: This Challenge Is Now Closed! Thanks For Playing!
Round Robin Linking List
(as of Wednesday 2/1 at 9:30 PM MST)
Celeste... My Day And Thoughts (AOL) and My Day And Thoughts (Blogspot) Posted
Carly... Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly Posted
Karen... Outpost Mâvarin Posted
Derek... Through My Eyes and Derek's Picture Of The Day Posted
DesLily...Here, There and Everywhere (Blogspot) and Here, There and Everywhere (AOL) Posted
Becky... Where Life Takes You Posted
Robin... Search The Sea
Julie... Julie's Web Journal Posted
T. J.... Photo Inclusions: Every Picture Tells a Story Posted
Tess... First Digital Photos Posted
Kat... Prima Luce
Steven... (sometimes) photoblog Posted
Alan... F-Stop Posted
Kimberleigh... I Shaved My Legs For This? Posted
Patrick... Patrick's Portfolio Posted
Nancy... Nancy Luvs Pix Posted