Sunday, February 28, 2010

Round Robin Challenge: Look Up/Look Down

Hello Robins :) NOW CLOSED!

If it's Sunday, it must be time for an all new challenge! This time around it comes to us by way of our friend Steven. "Look Up/Look Down" is scheduled for Saturday March 13th, 2010. For this one, the perspective is up to you. Pretty straight forward I think, so, let's review the guidelines for play, shall we?

1. Please R.S.V.P. your intention to play by leaving us your information in the comment thread for this entry. Follow my example...

Your Blog or Journal's Name
The Internet address of where it can be found.



Please folks, we need this each time you play. Please don't create additional work for Karen and I by not leaving your info. Ok?

2. DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY BEFORE THE ENTRY DATE. It does no good to post early. We don't visit until the day of the challenge, you won't be added to the Linking List until the day of the challenge, and it makes me grouchy... so please... DON'T POST EARLY!

3. Please include a link back here, so your readers can play along with us.

4. It's probably a good idea to comeback after you post your entry and let us know you have posted. It just makes things flow smoother on the day of the challenge.

5. If you haven't played with us before, please let us know so we can give you a proper greeting!

Ok, that's it. See you back here on Saturday, March, 13th, 2010.

Linking List (As of 4:45 PM PST)

Carly - Posted!

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Gattina - Posted!
Keyhole Pictures

ellen b. - Posted!
The Happy Wonderer

Linda - Posted!
Mommy's Treasures

Quiltworks - Posted! 02/28/10
World Through The Eyes of a Fiber Artist

Sherrie - Posted!
Sherrie's Stuff

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Suzanne R - Posted!
SuzyQ421's Photo Blog

Monica - Posted!
Shutterly Happy

CarolynUSA - Posted!
Ford Family Photos

Sandy - Posted!
From The Heart Of Texas

Cathy - Posted!
LadyHightower's Meme Castle

maryt/theteach - Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photos

Ruth - Posted!
Scrabble Queen

Rita - Posted!
Cashjocky and The Old Salt

Duane - Posted!

Peggy - Posted!
Holmespunfun Memes and Themes


If you enjoyed this meme, why not check out our other projects?

From For Ellipsis

Weekend Assignment

Monday Photo Shoot

From For Ellipsis

If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to either Karen or myself. You can find our contact information on the sidebar.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Round Robin Challenge: Blinded By the Light

Hi, Robins! The next topic was suggested by Vicki of the blog Maraca back in 2008. The topic for Saturday, February 27th is

Blinded By The Light

"Photograph anything brilliant and bright."

Now, don't go looking directly at the sun or anything, but do let your camera capture an abundance of light or brightness in some interesting way. Will you photograph natural or artificial light? You can even interpret the words metaphorically, just in case you get a chance to photograph a genius!

Whatever you do, though, please follow our usual guidelines:

1. DO RSVP in the comments with your name or handle, the name of your blog and the blog's full URL, thus:

Yes, I'll see the light!

Fire of the Sun

Please include these details EVERY time you play. It helps us to compile the Linking List, and it cuts down on errors. People frequently change blogs, so don't expect us to assume it's the same blog as last time. Also, please proofread the URL before posting the comment. We post the link you give us, so a typo makes it hard for anyone to reach your blog! Also RSVP before the Challenge date if at all possible, so we have it for the list as the Challenge date begins.

It's also helpful if you leave another comment after you've posted, to let us know your entry is up.

2. DO NOT post your entry before the Challenge date. The idea is for everyone to post on that date (or if necessary, up to six days thereafter), so that readers can conveniently visit all the entries. We don't want to scroll down to something you did two weeks ago.

3. DO make sure the entry is relevant to the Challenge. Occasionally someone leaves a link to something they posted that has little or nothing to do with the topic. At minimum your entry should mention the Round Robin Photo Challenges and the current topic. Otherwise, it's not really a Round Robin entry, is it? A link back to this blog is strongly encouraged, so that people can find every one else's entries and not just yours. A Linking List of participants is posted here around midnight as the Challenge date begins, and is updated over the next day or two. If you want to include this in your entry too, that would be most helpful.

A full set of guidelines is posted here. Please check it out if you are new to the Robins or have any questions. You can also email us with questions, concerns or future topic ideas. Our email addresses are on the sidebar.

Got it? Good! See you in two weeks! I'll be checking in from another planet (Gallifrey!), but I'll be there, through the miracle of $10 a day hotel internet hookups!

If you like the Round Robin Photo Challenges, why not check out our other memes?
The Weekend Assignment, hosted by Karen and Carly

This week: Weekend Assignment #308:
Chick Flicks or Guy Movies?


The Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot, hosted by Carly
This week: Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot #78: Still Life Featuring Food

See you soon!


Linking List
as of 7:21 PM PST Saturday

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!

maryt- Posted!
Mary Tomaselli's Photos

Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories

Suzanne R - Posted!
SuzyQ421's Photo Blog

Vicki - Posted!

flashbulb100w *** Welcome new member*** - Posted!
mga gihuna-huna (02/28/10)

Sherrie - Posted!
Sherrie's Stuff

Ladyhightower *** Welcome new member***
Ladyhightower's Meme Castle

Sandy - Posted!
From the Heart of Texas

Ruth - Posted!

Gattina - Posted!
Keyhole Pictures

Manang Kim - Posted!
My Photography in Focus

Peggy - Posted!
Holmespunfun Memes and Themes

Marcia *** Welcome new member*** - Posted!
joy is my goal