Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Please Welcome Our New Round Robin Team Member: Steven!

Yes, it's true, as hinted to in the "Summer Gardens," entry in this blog, we have some wonderful news to share. The Round Robin Challenges has a new team member, Steven, the talented photographer and author of the blog, "(sometimes)photoblog." Steven will be joining us officially with the announcement of the Round Robin Challenge scheduled for August 24th, for the September 9th challenge. As our team member, Steven will take turns with Karen and myself in handling the responsibilities of running this project, such as writing the announcement entries, and being here to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Karen and I are excited to have Steven join us. It will be good to have a man's input regarding the challenges, and how things might run even more smoothly in the future. There may be some changes and improvements coming up, so be sure to review the "Welcome Entry & Rules Of Play" from time to time to stay up to date!

So now, without further delay, Karen and I want to say... WELCOME STEVEN! :)

Carly and Karen


Janet said...

what fantastic news! Welcome Steven :-)

Becky said...


Steven said...

Yay me!

DesLily said...

Welcome to Pickles Dad!!!

I'm posted for this "round"..

Laura said...

The Road Home
Hi all, I'm new here. Funny topic for me since it just took me 3 hours to travel 60 miles to the Indiana border from suburban Chicago. Funny like I wanted to kill someone. : )
If you want a feel for the "Open Road" here you go.
Grumble grumble.