This challenge is now closed. Thanks for playing! :)
Welcome to our next challenge. For this outing, Brad, author of the blog, "We-Is," really came up with a unique and innovative theme for us, here is how he explains his idea for us...
"Take a photo of your hand. Post it untouched, without any digital enhancements. Then, tell us about your settings (and shooting conditions) and what you would do to enhance... post capture. For those of you that like to run enhancements - post that too, as a before and after."
Give the man a hand... LOL... this is a great idea for a photo challenge! So circle the date on your calendars, Wednesday, March 7th, any time between the midnights of that day is fine, or for up to one week later. Use the following example format when you sign up to play...
Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly
Robins, it is a tremendous help to Steven, Karen and myself when you follow the rules, especially the rule regarding how to R.S.V.P for a challenge. It is a big time saver for us, when preparing the Linking List, if we don't have to track down your information. If you are unsure how to sign up for a challenge, please feel free to email us, and we will be glad to help you out. :)
OK Robins... Make Me Proud... Go Be Photographers! Post your entries on your blogs, journals or websites on Wednesday, March 7th, and most importantly of all have fun!
-Carly :)
Email Addresses
Carly (ondinemonet@AOL.com)
Karen (Mavarin@AOL.com)
Steven (steven.emmett@gmail.com)
NOTE: While we usually update the Linking List throughout the day, for this challenge we will be updating in the early morning and early evening. If you leave a new link during the afternoon hours, we will update the list to reflect the addition as soon as possible Wednesday evening. :)
Linking List
Brad POSTED! 3/13/07
Carly - POSTED!
Ellipsis... Suddenly Carly
Janet - POSTED!
Fond of Photography
Suzanne R - POSTED!
New Suzanne R's Life
Karen - POSTED!
Outpost Mavarin
Julie - POSTED!
Julie's Web Journal
Linda - POSTED!
Blah Blah Blog
Steven - POSTED!
(sometimes photoblog)
Gattina - POSTED!
Keyhole Pictures