Graffiti is generally illegal, and it can be a terrible eyesore, ruining the look of buildings, vehicles and street signs. But some of it is rather attractive, and sometimes it's even profound. (Ask Carly about that one.) So for our next Challenge, photograph some bit of graffiti where you are: beautiful or ugly, profane or inspiring. You know how this works, right?
1. DO RSVP in the comments below with your name or handle, blog name and blog URL, thus:
I wall be there!
Painting on the Ceiling
2. DO NOT post BEFORE the Challenge date. If you need to set it up beforehand, most blogging platforms will let you schedule an entry to post on a certain date and time. But yes, you may post up to 6 days AFTER the date if you forget or something comes up that delays your entry. That said, you will get more visitors to your entry if you post on the Challenge date. I, for one, have a bad habit of forgetting to look again once the weekend's over.
3. DO mention the Round Robin and link back to this blog. (If there's no link or mention, how is that a Round Robin entry?) Including a linking list to the other entries is encouraged but not mandatory. Also, it's helpful to stop by here and leave another comment with your specific link once your entry is posted.
That's it - well, the short version, anyway! If you need further guidelines, please check out our Welcome and Rules of Play entry, or drop me an email at mavarin2 (at) Now, go be photographers! I look forward to seeing everyone's entries on Saturday, May 21st!
In the meantime, don't forget this other meme:
The Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot - Carly hosts this photo meme, with a new challenge every Sunday at midnight!
Linking List
as of Saturday, 5/21/11, 9 AM MST
Gattina - Posted!
Keyhole Pictures
Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin
Freda - Posted!
Day One
Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories
Monica - Posted!
Shutterly Happy
Erin - Posted!
Worth A Thousand Words
Write me in on this one!
Outpost Mâvarin
I am in!
Day One
I'll in too!
Sweet Memories
I'm glad I finally took a moment to check in and see what the current challenge was.
Scribble me in!
Shutterly Happy
I posted, I didn't even remember that it was me back in 2009 !
So sorry, but unless Blogger gets its act together, I won't be able to post anything. If I do, it will be Sunday.
I've posted mine up!
Now I am on the right date ! I posted !
Worth A Thousand Words
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