We have two announcements to make tonight: one about the new topic and the reason for it, and one about a major change to the ways people can participate in this meme moving forward. Stay tuned for the latter, because I think it's really going to shake things up, and make it more fun for everyone. First though, let's announce the topic for Saturday, May 5th:
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Quince Blossom by Carly (OndineMonet) |
Flowers for Steven
Anyone who played along on the Round Robin Photo Challenges in its early years, anyone who loves blogging pictures of cats and anyone who appreciates really great floral photography will probably remember Steven, aka sepintx of (sometimes)photoblog. Steven used to co-host the RRPC with Carly and me, but took a break from blogging after the death of his beloved cat, Pickle. Carly and I lost track of him after this, so we never learned until very recently that he died on October 10, 2009. Steve's contribution to this meme and others, and photoblogging in general, is immense, and his friendship was much valued as well. So it's fitting that we should offer this belated tribute to him, gathering photographic flowers in his name. Flowers were one of Steven's favorite subjects, so let's honor his memory with flower shots of our own!
Now for the second announcement: how to participate:
Starting with this Challenge, there will be a variety of ways you can play along in the RRPC:
Option One: The Traditional Method. Post one or more flower pictures in your blog on May 5th, link back to this blog, and leave a comment to this entry with your name and URL to let us know to come see your work. It will be helpful if you tag your entry "RRPC2" and "FlowersForSteven".
Option Two: The Twitter Method. Post one or more flower pictures to YFROG, TwitPic or some other microblogging photo service on May 5th, and Tweet a link with the hashtags "#RRPC2" and "#FlowersForSteven". People can follow the result with a hashtag search in Twitter, and I will retweet every entry I find.
Option Three: The Pure Photoblog Method. Post your flower photo(s) directly to your Photobucket, Flickr, Picasa, Tumblr or even Facebook (etc.) on May 5th with the tags "RRPC2" and "FlowersForSteven". Just to be extra sure people find you, please either tweet the result or leave a comment below.
Many thanks to Carly this week for the info on Steven and the great idea for transitioning RRPC to the age of microblogging. Feel free to email me with any questions, and we'll have a fun "treasure hunt" looking for your entries on Saturday, May 5th! Go be photographers!
Linking List
as of Saturday, May 5th
@ 10:57 PM MST
(Please note: my cable connection is down at home so I have no internet access there until Sunday evening. Sorry for the delays in posting comments and links! --Karen)
Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin
Carly - Posted!
Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories
Notes from the tiny napping house
Julie - Posted!
Julie's Journal
Shelly - Posted!
Creative Endeavors
Kat - Posted!
In My Dreams I Can Fly
Duane - Posted!
Teri - **Welcome new participant!** - Posted May 9th
Teri H Hoover Photography
P.S. For Steven's online obituary and places to leave your own (non-floral) tributes, check out the following pages:
Steven's obit on Philly.com
Steven's obit on Tributes.com
Steven's last photo on Flickr, with comments