Sunday, December 15, 2013

Round Robin Challenge: Lights! Camera! Action!

Hi, Robins! This next Challenge topic has (at least) two completely different meanings behind it, and thus two ways to go about creating your entries. The topic for Saturday, December 28, 2013 is

Lights! Camera! Action!

These are the classic words directors used to start filming a scene, with the lights lighting, the camera rolling and the actors acting! But it occurred to me the other day that the combination of lights, camera and action can be something else entirely. Think of the way the lights of moving cars can streak colors in a photo with a long exposure, or the excitement of lightning captured by a camera as it crosses the sky. Falling meteors, still lights photographed by a camera in motion - all of these combinations and more can lead to some interesting effects!

Alternatively, you may prefer to make a little foray into the motion picture business yourself! Most digital camera and camera phones now have video capabilities, and you can put together simple short movies with all sorts of software and smartphone apps these days, such as Majisto, iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, and social media quickies such as Vine and Capture. Google+ will even make little almost-movies automatically from a series of related photos, although these can only be viewed on Google+ itself.

Third option - I was only going for two options, but what the heck! - is to photograph (or find archived photos you already took) of people making movies or tv shows. If you filmed the filming, so much the better. If you filmed the filming of lights in action, then you're a triple threat!

Aside from your multiple choice options, the usual guidelines apply:

1. Grab your camera and bring us one or more pictures or videos related to Lights, Camera and Action! Archived photos or videos are okay as long as you took them yourself.

2. RSVP in the comments below with your name and the name and URL of the place you plan to post your photo(s) or video(s).

3. On the Challenge date, Saturday, December 28th, post the results on any blog, social media site or online photo album. Don't forget to link back to here in your entry, so your readers can check out the other Robins' contributions.

4. Please visit the other Robins' entries, and comment if so moved. The list of entries will be posted at the bottom of this entry starting around midnight MST on the Challenge date, and updated through the day.

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and go be photographers!


So far, this week's Linking List is just me:

Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarin

Carly - Posted!


Karen Funk Blocher said...

I've seen the light, and want to spring into action!

Outpost Mâvarin

Carly said...

Hi Karen

I am a bit late, but I am here! :)
